Client Responsibilities
Before working with our clients, there are certain responsibilities that you must agree to.
These are the client responsibilities.
As a client I understand my responsibilities are to:
- Ensure I am ready and resourced for stepping into a transformational process.
- Ensure there are financial resources in place to undergo the course of treatment I am wanting
- Read, Sign and Return Emma’s Consent for Treatment
- Be open to the principles of IFS and PST and to engaging with myself as a system of Multiple Parts
- Hold a positive intention for myself for engaging with this work/process and build trust in my own capacity to heal my relationship with myself.
- Be responsible for my own experience, speaking up for my needs and the direction I’d like to pursue in a session or course of sessions.
- Name anything inside or outside a session that is impacting my sense of safety / capacity to feel present during a session, including dynamics in the therapeutic relationship.
- Adhere to Emma’s Self-care, payment and cancellation policy and communication boundaries.
- Create space in my daily life after sessions to follow through on actions arising during sessions which support my systems healing and in particular to make space to conduct check-ins with any vulnerable parts of myself that were contacted.
- Notify Emma of any additional Therapeutic relationships I enter into or any prescribed or unprescribed medications I may be taking.
- Honour my body and include it in my process, making sure to allow any movements, sounds or emotions that want to mobilise where that feels like a new possibility
- Be gentle and patient with myself through the process, giving myself time
- Remain free from drugs and alcohol before and during sessions (and ideally directly afterwards)
- Make a note of and notify Emma of any difficult feelings or reactive behaviors that arise in response to a session.
- Set up a safe space where I will not be interrupted, and using a laptop or desktop computer where possible (or large screen) for any online sessions.
- Be open to my own transformation and creating a transformation in the ways I relate with others.