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Emma Harper | Psychosexual Somatics® TherapistIntegrated Sexuality

Each of us has within us an aliveness; a vitality that expresses who we are. Each of us has the capacity to be potent, powerful, affectionate, creative, active and connected. We live most fully when we are able to maintain contact with our own bodies and our own inner ecosystems. From here we are better able to appreciate the wholeness of ourselves within our relationships and to interface with and contribute to the world around us.

Integrating our sexuality is about being comfortable and responsible wielding the power that is our inherent nature; whether we choose to share and connect it in loving play with others,  or focus it in creative or other transformational expressions. Our bodies are the container for our Life-Force Energy.

Healthy systems Contain, Connect and Create

Many of us, sometimes without our conscious awareness, have experienced life events that overwhelm our systems, bypassing the natural neural pathways that allow for connection, intimacy and satisfaction, and prioritising those geared towards survival.

The experience of such Trauma causes us to switch into more protective and reactive parts of the brain. Our capacity to experience higher cognitive function and to respond to the world around us in healthy, boundaried and pro-social ways becomes constrained.

Discovering your Integrated Sexual Self is a process of increasing your capacity to tolerate and enjoy the full range of life again: pleasure and pain, togetherness and aloneness, certainty and confusion. There is a place in you that can navigate everything life throws at you, prioritise what you need to thrive and grow in your life and make peace with the past held in your body so you can lean into your future with an inner strength, soft breathe and open curiosity.

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Internal Family Systems 

Internal Family Systems (IFS) is a powerful Evidence-Based Modality, rapidly growing in popularity for practitioners and clients worldwide. It was developed in the 1980's by Family Therapist and Clinician Dr Richard Schwartz as he began to identify the healing potential lying within even the most disorganised patients, particularly those with extreme eating disorders or the tendency for self-harm.

IFS has subsequently evolved and expanded to treat a wide-range of physical and psychological conditions and behaviours and now commands an impressive and expanding community of practitioners across the globe specialising in everything from couples therapy, through trauma and addiction, Self-led parenting, recovery from eating disorders, PTSD recovery and much more.

I work with IFS to support all those seeking more Self-leadership, the unlocking of their innate potential, personal development, the resolution of trauma through the body, integration from childhood devlopmental or acute adult trauma, plus recovery from sexual abuse and the resolution of any perceived sexual or relational dysfunction.

Even if you're new to therapy, IFS will support to reconnect you to the deeper, Self-guidance system inherent in your body.

Are you wanting to identify and heal any limiting intimacy habits, take back ownership of your body and reclaim your right to healthy, heart-warming sex?


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Creating Transparency in Practise

How Much Experience do I Have? 

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As a career changer I have moved from a career in Finance and Business, with experience in Corporate Environmental Management and Reporting, into the realms of Trauma Healing and Personal Therapy.

I am finding and continue to find more balance, connection and meaning in my life through my own professional and personal work and hope to support others to make meaningful changes in their own lives.

However, I did not start out as a Therapist, take a Masters or PhD in Psychotherapy or Counselling and I am not overseen by a Registered UK Body such as the BACP or COSRT currently. Perhaps one day I will chose to be.

My practise has developed through Certified Training Programmes, Supervision, Mentorship, Hands-on experience; both as a client, as a therapist practitioner and as a group leader, plus countless books, podcasts, conversations and workshops.

I get good at what I do because of the relationships and learning with my clients, professional colleagues and friends and my own system.

As I continue my own journey deepening my competencies I wish to make transparent how much hands-on experience I have working professionally in this field.

As at 30 June 2024

  • 2249 hours of Individual Therapy, Coaching or Mentoring
  • 98 hours of Couples Work
  • 63 hours of Group Facilitation

They say Mastery comes at 10,000 hrs of practise. At that point I’ll probably write a book. Until then I remain humble to the learning process and dedicated to offering something helpful to those I have the privilege to work with.

Please remember, when starting personal work that your practitioner, therapist, coach or mentor is a guide, there to help you learn to heal, parent and protect yourself and to enjoy healthy relationships or manage difficult ones. It's your perogative to find a practitioner that resonates for you and whom can help you grow. Looking for the right experience, training or qualifications is part of that process, as is personal style and preference. It's ok to walk away from something that doesn't feel right and there is value in seeking qualified and supervised support. Regulatory bodies provide a lot of reassurance for some clients and some insurers will insist on them. Your psyche is precious. Trust your instincts.


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Get started

Sexual history assessment

How we show up in Sex reflects how we show up in Life. This session is where we look under the bedsheets to explore your patterns and goals. All treatment programmes start here with a 1 ½ hour personal assessment.

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