Sexual History Assessment
Pre-treatment Diagnostic Assessment | 90 minute Consultation
Your History shapes you. This session is where we explore your patterns and goals and the ways your system has learned to relate to your sexuality in order to survive. All sexuality focussed treatment programmes start here.
We understand how you got to where you are today.
In this session your sexuality and your sexual history will get some attention. We'll spend time together to clarify your goals and then look at the life circumstances and relationships that have led you to your current state of circumstances, your beliefs about yourself and the challenges you are facing.
Looking at your Psychosexual patterns and history, and tracking your bodies responses in the therapeutic space we can begin to understand and hypothesise how your system is currently wired in relationship to relationship and what needs to change in order for you to thrive.
We get clear on what's right for your ongoing development.
From this place we can determine the right treatment approach for you, supporting you back into your body and into right relation with your sexual function.
This is also a critical space for developing the practitioner to client relationship and feeling into how we work and relate together, ensuring that both parties feel safe and excited to engage in ongoing work which will require trust, dedication and commitment to your personal healing intention.
You leave with a new insight for your emerging Sexual Self.
This session is designed to offer reflections and safe space for your emerging Sexual Self to begin to realise what it has been through and what is really wanting to be seen and healed in the next phase of your progress.
Sexual Challenge is often born from developmental trauma and compounded by entering the relational and sexual world with inadequate education, self-awareness and space to process your experiences. We often need permission to slow down and to learn about our own sexuality in safe spaces with safe others; to make mistakes and to learn and grow through experience.
We don’t process trauma in this first session, we simply check the landscape from which your current system was born and it helps us to find our direction. We can be confused, curious and creative together and it often starts with you telling your story.