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Develop your awareness and understanding of Attachment Theory in relation to trauma with Diane Poole Heller
Trauma Solutions (
Develop your awareness around nervous system regulation (polyvagal theory) and trauma with Deb Dana
Deb Dana — Rhythm of Regulation
Connect with Peter Levines work on Somatic Experiencing for Trauma
Ergos Institute, inc™ (
Reading List:
If you read 3 books in this field only read:
1. Where to Draw the Line, Anne Katherine, M.A (Boundaires)
2. Eight Dates, Gottam, Schwartz Gottam, Abrams and Carlton Abrams (Relationship Communication)
3. The Language of Emotions Karla McLaren (Self regulation)
Be aware that reading ab out trauma can be activating. Take any trauma books listed below on only with consideration for your own state of Self regulation and be prepared to stop if you feel overwhelming feelings or sensations.
Other reading:
If you want to learn more about Internal Family Systems Therapy, parts of the personality, how we function and how therapy works to resolve client challenges read:
- Internal Family Systems, Richard C. Schwartz
- No Bad Parts, Richard C. Schwartz
- You are the one you’ve been waiting for, Richard C. Schwartz
If you are a woman wanting to develop your capacity for orgasm read:
- Becoming Orgasmic: A Sexual and Personal Growth Program for Women, Julia R. Heimen and Joseph Lopiccolo
- Women’s Anatomy of Arousal, Sheri Winston
If you are a woman wanting to restore your sexual self confidence by changing the way you view your sexuality; understanding what turns you on and what blocks the flow read:
- Come as you are, Emily Nagoski
If you are in a relationship and you want to test for long-term compatability, improve relationship skills or deepen intimacy whilst learning what makes long-lasting marriages read:
- The New Rules of Marriage, Terrence Real
If you are curious about the relationship between mind and body and traumatic stress read:
- Bodymind, Ken Dychtwald
- The Body Keeps the Score, Bessel Van Der Kolk
- Waking the Tiger. Healing Trauma, Peter A Levine
- Healing Developmental Trauma, Laurence Heller and Aline LaPierre
If you want to learn more about Complex PTSD and taking a personal journey to recovery after a difficult childhood read:
- Complex PTSD: From Surviving to Thriving
If you're open to mindfulness practise to deepen your capacity for love read:
- Review Your Brain for Love. Creating Vibrant Relationships Using the Science of Mindfulness, Marsha Lucas PhD
If you want to better understand and explore your erotic attractions read:
- The Erotic Mind. Inner Pathways to Sexual Excitement, Jack Morin
If you're curious about alternative models of human relating and sexuality read:
- The Ethical Slut, A Roadmap for Relationship Pioneers, Dossie Easton, Janet W. Hardy
If you're curious about how attachment theory interfaces with polyamory
- Polysecure, Jessica Fern
If you want to better understand and gain awareness around Boundaries read:
- Boundaries, where you end and I begin, Anne Katherine, M.A.
- Where to Draw the Line, Anne Katherine, M.A
If you want to understand the purpose of emotions and the implications of being empathic read:
- The Art of Empathy, Karla McLaren
- The Language of Emotions Karla McLaren
If you want to redefine how you view sex read:
- Real Sex, By Mike Lousada and Louise Mazanti
If you are building your understanding about why affairs happen read:
- The state of Affairs, Esther Perel
If you want to deepen your knowledge about relationships read:
- Mating in Captivity, Esther Perel
- Us, Terrence Real
If you’re ready to meet someone and don’t know what’s getting in the way read:
- Calling in the one, Katherine Woodward Thomas
If you’re ready to end your current relationship with kindness and consciousness read:
- Conscious Uncoupling, Katherine Woodward Thomas