Welcome to my website and to a new possibility for your life. I've designed this space to host everything you might need to know about me and our potential work together. Please read as much or as little as you like and reach out with any questions.
About Emma
I work with clients of all genders and backgrounds, mostly individuals and occasionally couples. I have run sexuality-based training programmes for men and women, spoken on other people’s podcasts and taught workshops for the sexually open-minded.
Your Internal Family System
Your personality is made up of multiple aspects of you (“parts”), with varying and sometimes conflicting responsibilities, roles, gifts and expressions. This is normal and healthy and a way we’ve evolved to handle the complexity of modern life with a complex human brain.
Living your Self-led Life
Our bodies are the container for our Life-Force Energy; the aliveness that flows through our unique being. Our personal expression is shaped and changed by our personal history, our relationships, the influences and beliefs of those who preceded us in our lineage and the communities to which we have belonged or participated.