Tel: 07576 786467

About Emma

Psychosexual Somatics® What to expect

It's really important, when choosing who to work with, to find someone that's a good fit for you so you can really relax into the process knowing you'll be safe to be fully yourself and to express the parts of you that are wanting to be integrated and coming to therapy/sessions.

If we've not met, or even if we have, please reach out for a 15 min free consultancy to discuss your personal circumstances and feel into whether we are a good fit to work together. If you want more information about me, read on.

Here's a little about me so you can start to feel how I land with your system.

I'm an IFS (Internal Family Systems) informed PsychoSexual Somatics® Therapist, Sex Educator and Women's Sexual Empowerment Facilitator.

I've come from a white, middle-class background, working for years in large corporations and businesses in finance and environmental management roles. I've struggled to work through and overcome the physcial desensitisation, masculinsation and disempowerment that our culture has inflicted on my body and my potential and now I've re-oriented my intelligence to try and do something to support the changes in the world that feel important to me.

For me these changes include the liberation particularly of feminine sexuality, power and intelligence. 

I've dedicated my life to understanding the psyche and the bodymind, especially in the contect of sex, relationships, environment and spirituality, to understand what's needed to reconnect us to the source of our power and to implement the gifts of that expression into a world that needs leadership, collaboration, vitality and restoration,



My Qualities as a Practitioner:

I'm perceptive, intelligent and have a lot of space/capacity to invite in all parts of you, including the disowned powerful parts and the most vulnerable and in need of your awareness and protection. Eager to understand the Psyche I work to reframe the bodymind from something mysterious, difficult or reactive, to something connected, protective and capable of living a full and powerful life. I'm fascinated and in awe of how our personalities express through the body / nervous system to operate and run our daily lives and keep us safe. I think they are amazing. I want to support them to do their job in a more relaxed way because, from personal experience, being stressed, anxious, controlling, lethargic, disconnected, repressed, shut down, tearful, angry, seducing or fearful is not something that can be sustained for a long period of time. I want to support people to understand why their bodies behave in the ways they do, to do develop self-compassion for their process and to make the changes they are wanting for themselves.

I'm passionate, experienced and motivated with supporting people back into contact with their true Selves and the magnificance that they are, especially their erotic, sexual magnificance; the parts that like to play, connect, breathe and rise up.

I'm an activist for normalising desires for sexual intimacy and needs for human connection and contact and will continue to strive in my personal and professional life to guide people back to communicating from their vulnerability and from their heart (to themselves as well as to others) and to spend at least some of their time occupying parts of their body from the neck down. I hold a vision for people living lives from an open and grounded pelvis.

I'm also a human; a daughter, a sister, a lover, a dancer, a song-writer, a martial artist, a student, a gardener, an activist for trees and nature. I have my own patterns, vulnerabilities, trauma, growth edges, teachers and lessons hard won. I have grumpy days and days where I'm confused what's needed. I have days with a deep clarity and leadership mentality.

I am passionate about Sexuality, about Integrity in the psyche and about personal Freedom of choice.


Professional Background:

Professionally I'm a qualified PsychoSexual Somatics® Therapist, with a background in Finance and Business, Human Sciences, Sustainable Business Development, Martial Arts, Music, Neuro-Linguistic Programming, Writing, Long-term Relating, Sexual & Relational Experimentation, Shamanic Healing and Adult Education on the topics of Sexual Communication and Sexual Improvement.

I'm also an ongoing student and previous programme assistant for Internal Family Systems (Level 3 trained Feb 2022 and Fully Certified in 2021) and have previously been a Mentor and Leader for the PsychoSexual Somatics® Coaching Programme.


Personal Background:

Personally I came into the world of healing our relationship to our life-force energy through a Spiritual Awakening and then a painful period of working through and healing my own trauma, developmental and adult. As a woman in this culture I have experienced being brought up with limiting beliefs about my own power and potential, experiencing unwanted physical touch and emotional and physical violations time and time again, been torn painfully from my natural connection to nature and thrown into a masculine patriarchal work culture. I've experienced my sexual energy create discomfort in and distancing from people I loved (and others) who had not yet come into relationship with their own aliveness and felt confusion within myself about who I am and how I express myself sexually and in relationship.

Sexuality continues to be a journey for me, as does the healing of personal, familial and collective trauma, and at this point in my life my passion is to liberate other Women from the conditions of our culture, to support them to move their energy back towards the Pelvis, where it belongs, and to support them to release themselves from the pain and suffering their bodies are carrying from trying to be someone that they are not, in order to feel loved and accepted in a culture that wants to keep them small, hidden, or objectifiable.

My work is to counteract the masculinsation, desensitisation and disempowerment our culture inflicts upon the female body, and to support women and men alike into leadership positions that can influence a change.



I work with Internal Family Systems tsupporting those new to therapy, or those who need a little more support in their Self-connection, Self-care, Self-awareness and Body-Connection to come into an understanding of how their system is operating and to move towards more personal autonomy and leadership in their relational and sexual responses.

I work with Psychosexual Somatics Therapy to support women already in touch with thier bodies to gain greater agency in their sexual behaviours, release trauma held in the physical tissue, learn the capacity to Self-regulate and to hold more and more of their own life force energy in their bodies. I support people to harnass their sexual power as their own and not to give it away to or feed from others.

The reason why I am choosing to work with women predominantly using PST is a personal choice to support myself and my clients to feel safe when working with the deeper level of intimacy required for body-based therapeutic work. Subject to assessment and compatibility for treatment, I can work with some men using PST, especially online.


Ethos and Values:

I am a strong advocate for open and transparent conversations about sex, for care and responsible protection of our environment and for heart-centered living.

I work to support conscious, sexual adults to re-educate themselves about sex and sexual energy, to take personal responsbility for their sexual and interpersonal development and to increase their capacity for relationality so we can begin to rebuild a culture where we relate to one-another in healthy ways, to rebalance gender power dynamics, to reconnect ourselves to our inner sense of oneness with the natural environment and to learn to enjoy the resources we can provide for each other relationally when life gets tough. I am guided by:


  • Stewardship of the earth’s resources
  • Vision and Leadership
  • Equality in Relationships
  • Responsibility and Interdependency
  • Health on all levels: Mental, Physical, Sexual, Emotional, Spiritual, Ecological
  • Balance in all things
  • Personal Power & Agency
  • Respect and Integration of the Feminine Principle
  • Embracing the not yet known
  • Evolutionary Pacing
  • Boundaries that Em-power


A % of my Earnings were redirected to Ecological Regeneration Projects:

At the start of 2020 I  committed to giving a charitable donation to the replanting of trees in key strategic sites globally. Having planted 5000 trees so far I am taking a break from fundraising and reconsidering my charitable spending direction.  I have fundraised so far for through my therapies  because I am moved by this Women-led feminine resforestation movement and grateful for the tenacity, vision and inner and outer action-orientism of founder Claire Dubois and her team. 

in aid of treesisters logov2


Find out more about the works of Treesisters here

Track the number of trees planted from my professional donations as they grow here 


If you have any questions about whether I'm the right practitioner for you please get in touch for a free 15 mins conversation with me. If we're not a good match I'll try to refer you on. 

If you feel ready to start please feel free to

Book in for a Sexual History Assessment here

...and start preparing your system for receiving the attention it so deserves and has been waiting for to truly blossom.

"Emma Harper's passion for transformation - both in herself and in her clients - matches her enthusiasm for life. I admire her wild feminine courage to dive head first into the cutting edges of all her lines of development, and as she does, others are inspired to do the same. The result ... Freedom. Vitality. Synchronicity. Sensuality. Magic. Miracles. Yes!"

Lissa Rankin, MD